My Year Of Abundance

I’m 44 today. It seems like a lot! And it is. In numerology it’s an 8, which actually means abundance…a lot. I’m so looking forward to an entire year full of abundance! It seems as if the years since I became a mom, there has been quite a bit of scarcity. There just wasn’t enough time, energy, will, or motivation to really give myself the love and attention I deserve. Something has changed. This year feels different.


On my recent “step off the train”, I’ve been self-coaching myself using all the tools that I use when coaching my clients! My goal is to find and define my self and my true life’s purpose, instead of just wandering around sleepwalking. I’ve been journaling, writing, cooking, crafting, playing my Native American flute and taking time to stare out the window at my beautiful view. I’ve also been doing the work behind all of those activities. The work of letting go of ridiculous stress and perfectionism and moving on to enjoy every bit of life’s details.


If you had asked me what my favorite color or my favorite food was five years ago, it would have taken me forever to answer because it had been so long since I had thought about it! Any “extra” time that I had in a day had been dedicated to my daughters, or cleaning, or menu planning, or stressing over the next thing that had to be done. I loved being at home for my family and I’m so grateful for that opportunity and experience, but I found myself getting trapped in this mindset of stress and worry.


So, this fall, when I decided to take a few steps back, I didn’t really know who I was anymore, or even what I liked to do. I would sit down at the table and think, “Ok, if I could do anything with my day today (that didn’t include cleaning, planning or stressing), what would I do?” My mind was totally blank. I would look out the window and stare at the trees, as if they would suddenly start speaking for me! Then, I would write something down and instead of being happy about it, I would feel guilty! Can you believe it?! I would feel guilty for writing down that I liked eating pizza, or shopping, or drinking wine or social media! It all seemed so frivolous and unimportant…and boring!


Well, I’ve been practicing! Today, in celebration of my #44 – my big year of abundance, I thought I would share my new list of things that I like and like to do! (You can judge all you want, but this is MY list of what makes ME happy – we’re all unique! I highly encourage you to make your own list!)


My list of what I like, what makes me happy: 

  • My Family - obviously

  • Hiking

  • Biking

  • Skiing

  • Skiing with Family

  • Snow

  • Shoveling snow - I know, weird!

  • Rufus, my dog

  • Cooking

  • Reading

  • Reading cookbooks

  • Eating really good, thoughtful food

  • Sitting on my deck

  • Essential Oils

  • Candles - non-toxic

  • Playing cards

  • Podcasts - especially TTFA

  • Binge watching Netflix - Heartland, Heart of Dixie

  • Drinking tea

  • Craft projects

  • Making suncatchers/playing with gemstones & beads

  • Writing

  • Walking

  • Craft fairs

  • Flea Markets

  • Artisans/Makers

  • Dancing

  • Playing Basketball

  • Giving gifts

  • Decorating for holidays

  • Having parties

  • Texting

  • Bitmojis

  • Traveling

  • Yoga

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Daydreaming

  • Bonfires

  • Brainstorming

  • Camping

  • Stargazing

  • Researching on Internet

  • Surprising people

  • Getting surprised

  • New experiences

  • Art

  • Nature

  • Technology

  • Astrology

  • Music

  • Live music

  • Reading cookbooks

  • Art Museums

  • Trendy restaurants

  • Shopping

  • Rocks, crystals, gems

  • Making something outta nothing

  • Teaching

  • Deep conversations

  • Talking to my mom on the phone

  • Cocktails with Ira

  • Connecting with Holli

  • Trees


 My list keeps going, and I'll forever keep adding and revising. This is such a great exercise to learn more about yourself. I highly encourage you to take a few minutes to make your own list. No matter how busy you are working, stressing, or taking care of others, you are worthy of a list of favorite things!


If you’re completely lost making a list like this, you might enjoy more of a template for some guidance, like my neighbor suggested (thanks, Lin)! Try these out:

My Favorite Things

My Favorites









The Taos Series, Part 1: Stepping Off the Train


The Cut